Welcome everyone to the sixth session of the Yaskawa Robot Basic Operation Training Online Classroom!
As we delve deeper into our learning, we have now reached the key and difficult parts of basic learning, namely the variables and instructions shown in the title.
To learn this part of the content, in addition to understanding the variables and instructions of Yaskawa robots, it is more important to learn their practical applications. At the end of the article, a simple example program for palletizing and handling will be attached, and friends who have the conditions can practice it by themselves.
**For detailed instructions, please refer to the YRC1000 INFORM manual
Key points of this issue
▶ User variables
▶ Common commands (instructions)
▶ Change operation of command (instruction)
安川工业机器人的变量共有三种类型,分别是User variables、局部变量和系统变量。在本次课程里,我们讲解的是User variables。
User variables用于在程序中临时保存计数器、运算和输入信号等,可在程序中自由定义。多个程序可使用同一User variables,因此可用于程序之间的信息交换,具体用途如下:
▶ Manage the number of workpieces
▶ Manage homework frequency
▶ Information exchange between programs
另外,User variables值在切断主电源后仍可保存,其数据格式请看下表:
(Image taken from the YRC1000 Operation Training Manual)
The robot language used in the YRC1000 control cabinet is called INFORM language. In the INFORM language, instructions are often translated as "commands", and the two are synonymous.
The INFORM language consists of commands and additional items (labels, numerical data).
(Image screenshot from YRC1000 INFORM manual)
When using the INFORM language, it is necessary to understand the concept of "language level". Language levels are divided into subsets, standard sets, and extended sets. Please refer to the video below for specific details.
▲ Language level setting
After setting the language level, the commonly used variables and instructions in actual programming have been summarized in the following video. For more instructions and usage, please read the YRC1000 INFORM manual in detail.
▲ Operation of variables and commonly used commands (instructions) for Yaskawa robots
When we want to change an edited instruction, common operations include: insert instruction, modify instruction, and delete instruction. Please refer to the video below for details.
▲ Insertion, modification, and deletion operations of commands (instructions)
Welfare Easter eggs:
In this issue, we would like to present a practical teaching case from the training and operation room of Yaskawa Electric Shanghai Robot Center: manually feeding three workpieces, using a robot to move and stack them. Friends with conditions can practice programming on their own!
The case program reference is as follows:
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"# Yaskawa Robotics Online Training 2024"
We will meet again on the 8th of next month!